Traininguri de radiologie dentomaxilofaciala in cadrul “2nd EADMFR Junior Meeting”, Freiburg, Germania, 8 – 11 Februarie 2015

Academia Europeana de Radiologie Dentomaxilofaciala (EADMFR) a lansat in 2014 un nou concept de traininguri adresate dentistilor interesati de radiologie maxilofaciala. Astfel EADMFR Junior Committee a organizat prima editie a unei tabere de radiologie care a avut loc in Umea, Suedia. La aceasta prima editie au participat aproximativ 30 de tineri medici care au interes sau doresc sa se specializeze in radiologie maxilofaciala. Pe parcursul unei saptamani participantii au audiat prezentari ale seniorilor, au facut studii de caz, au lucrat in grupuri si au luat parte la hands on-uri. A fost un succes de care suntem mandri astfel incat s-a decis in cadrul Academiei continuarea evenimentului. In 2015 vom organiza aceasta intalnire intre 8 si 11 februarie in Freiburg, Germania.  Va invit pe toti aceia dintre voi care aveti interese in imagistica digitala sa aplicati pentru aceste traininguri, fie ca sunteti rezidenti, masteranzi sau doctoranzi. Am atasat mai jos un scurt video al primei editii iar, pentru mai multe informatii puteti accesa website-ul academiei la adresa: 


First edition video- Umea, Sweden, 2014


Iata si invitatia oficiala:

“It is our pleasure to invite you to the 2nd EADMFR Junior Meeting that will take place in Freiburg, Germany, 8th – 11th February 2015.

Our aim is to promote DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology in Europe, and to increase engagement in the academy and interest in the field of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology among colleagues in specialist training, MSc- and PhD studies.

Approximately 30 juniors will have the opportunity to meet, learn, exchange experiences and to network. You will find the admission criteria in the following pages. The applicants will be asked to share their experiences of the meeting by preparing a report that they can present at their home departments. Further, a report from the meeting will be presented to the EADMFR members during the ECDMFR in Cardiff, UK in 2016.

We believe that the meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for the participants to meet lecturers and colleagues from various countries and to share their knowledge and experiences. We also hope to create a memorable and rewarding experience for all participants.

The decision to perform a second meeting was taken after the successful 1st Junior Meeting in Umeå, Sweden, 2014, where 30 junior EADMFR members participated. To give as many juniors as possible the opportunity to participate, only those who did notparticipate in the 1st Junior Meeting will be accepted.”

Eva Levring Jäghagen
Chair of the EADMFR Junior Committee

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