Nici nu s-a incheiat bine vacanta si concediul ca stiinta ne bate la usa, defapt noi batem la usa ei! Am trimis si eu un articol spre publicare in urma cu ceva vreme la Clinical Oral Investigations! Este una dintre cercetarile facute in Leuven la care eu tin foarte mult deoarece face parte din teza mea de doctorat iar la momentul realizarii ei a fost singurul studiu care analiza vizibilitatea acelor K de marimi ISO #6 #8 si #10 pe mai multe tipuri de imagini digitale (PSI, CCD!)
o singura problema insa! Nu stim scrie articole! Este intr-un fel ca si la proiectele UE, trebuie sa stii sa scrii! Abia atunci am inteles de ce din Romania nu se prea vad articole in reviste internationale serioase de Stomatologie (radiologie orala sau endodontie…..aici cunosc mai bine literatura). NU stim …..dar stim sa invatam! Coautorii mei Bart Vandenberghe si Prof. Reinhilde Jacobs m-au incurajat foarte mult sa nu lasam totul balta ci sa exprimam aceasta cercetare in cuvinte, adica sa construim articolul astfel incat sa fie acceptat de Clinical Oral Investigations. Si a fost….
Articolul se numeste ” The use of high-resolution digital imaging technology for small diameter K-file length determination in endodontics” si il puteti accesa aici:
To assess the reliability of high resolution intra-oral photostimulable storage phosphor (PSP) and complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) imaging systems for working length (WL) assessment of small K-files in narrow and curved root canals. Eleven narrow and curved canals from extracted molars were used as pre-test for sample-size calculation. Nineteen canals from four cadavers were used for endodontic length assessment in the final study. Small K-files (ISO size 6, 8, and 10) were introduced into the canals at prepared length. Digital intra-oral radiographs were obtained using high-resolution Vistascan® PSP plates and Sigma M CMOS active pixel sensor with a DC X-ray tube at 70 kV, 7 mA, and 0.16 s. Both image series were assessed with and without use of a dedicated endodontic filter. Three observers measured WLs for comparison to the gold standards of a digital millimeter ruler. Multiple regression analysis of the dependent measurements revealed no significant influence of imaging sensor (PSP or CMOS, p = 0.34) and image processing (p = 0.97). For ISO file size, however, there was a significant difference (p = 0.08) at a level of 10%. Observers mostly underestimated lengths using PSP but overestimated them on CMOS. Almost all radiographic measurements (96–98%) were within 2-mm deviation, while 71% to 82% deviated within 1 mm. Dedicated filtering and sensor type did not influence the outcome of WL determination of small file sizes when using high-resolution imaging sensors. WL determination with ISO file 6 did show a significant difference compared to ISO 8 and 10 but mostly for deviations <1.5 mm.
Keywords Photostimulable storage phosphor (PSP) plates – CMOS – Endodontics – Working length – Small K-files – Intra-oral radiography